All researchers visiting the Archives will be asked to fill out a visitor registration form to ensure responsible use of the College’s rare materials. This form asks you to agree to the following recommendations:
- Absolutely no food or beverages will be permitted in the Archives and Special Collections.
- The only writing materials permitted are #2 lead pencils. If needed, one will be provided for you.
- Backpacks, purses and other bags must be left near the entrance doors or with a staff member. While staff are available in the Archives and the space is a secure area, Georgetown College does not retain liability for any items lost or missing while accessing archived materials.
- If you are viewing photographic materials, you will be asked to wear cotton gloves, which we will provide for you.
- To obtain photocopies or scans of materials, please see a staff member. Any requests for copying from rare or fragile items should be considered initially on conservation grounds and can be denied due to the condition. Please note: a small fee may be required to cover costs.
- If you need a copy for commercial use, please see the Archivist about copyright; Georgetown College owns the rights to the unpublished materials in its archival collections. The rights to published materials in the archival collections are generally owned by the original creator. Users are responsible for determining the copyright status of the material before any use which would not be covered by the Fair Use Clause of the U.S. Copyright Law (sections 107-118).
- When accessing the collections, please take care to leave materials in the same order in which you found them.
- If you come across an item which cannot be safely handled, please notify staff who will attempt to make a use copy if at all possible.
If you have questions about these policies, or have a special request, please contact the College Archivist.