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HIS 331: Revolutionary Europe

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Locating Books

Books in the LRC: 
       Database: Library Catalog To find books in the Learning Resource Center
                                                 arranged by Library of Congress Call Numbers
Books outside of this building
      Database: InfoKat Catalog - To find books at the University if Kentucky
      Database: - For materials in other libraries world-wide.


Reciprocal borrowing privileges:
The Ensor LRC is a great place to do research, however, it cannot meet the rigorous expectations of your history professors.  To conduct your research thoroughly and efficiently, a visit to a major research university library like the University of Kentucky or the University of Louisville is a must!
Most major colleges in Kentucky allow you to check out materials with your no excuses : )

How would your history professor respond to this statement? 
"Dr. Wargelin I have to change topics because no one has ever written anything about the French Revolution!"