Graduate Education

For some of your Graduate Education courses you will be required to create videos. Here is a list of tips to keep in mind as you are creating those videos:

  • First, begin with a short statement why you are doing this video. (ex. This is for a course at GC, MA/ESL/? program under my supervision.)
  • Then, explain what the course is about (ex. ESL Assessment)
  • Make it relevant for other teachers who watch this so that they get something out of the piece.
  • If you use any printed or other materials and refer to them, make sure they can be seen by the viewers. Also, provide information on where others can get them, if applicable. Such information could be stated in a comment to the video on YouTube.
  • Remember to engage in dialogue and do not talk "AT" the collaborating colleague. Find out if they "get it" by letting them paraphrase or summarize, for example.
  • Do not read from a script. Talk slow and deliberate so that viewers can follow.
  • Do NOT state the name of a specific school, student, or others in the video. Privacy is always important.
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